Habitat Fragmentation of the Catfish Hemibagrus spilopterus: Dammed If We Do
About the author: Rose Ferguson wrote this post as part of Dr. Stacy Krueger-Hadfield‘s Principles of Scientific Investigation course. She is currently a dual Bachelor’s and Master’s student through the Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s program at UAB. She is planning on conducting research in Dr. Dustin Kemp’s lab beginning spring of 2021. With COVID-19 ...
Land Use Matters: Infectious Disease Emergence and Economics of Altered Landscapes Project
USC researchers help reveal deadly starfish secrets

6 APRIL 2017 Unniversity of the Sunshine Coast research led by Associate Professor of Molecular Biology Scott Cummins has contributed to a breakthrough discovery that could protect the Great Barrier Reef from the coral-killing crown-of-thorns starfish. Four USC researchers including Dr Cummins are co-authors of the paper, ‘Genome sequencing of the coral reef predator crown-of-thorns starfish’, newly-published ...
Balancing hydropower and biodiversity in the Amazon, Congo, and Mekong basins

Inga Dam on the Congo River. Image: International Rivers | Flickr | Creative Commons A boom in construction of major hydroelectric dam projects on the Amazon, Congo and Mekong rivers increasingly threatens a range of rare and unique freshwater biodiversity according to a new study published inScience. Existing dams on the three basins are generally small and located in upland tributaries, but over ...
Mekong River Basin

Problem Statement: The Mekong River in Southeast Asia is one of the most important and productive natural systems in the world. Originating in the Tibetan Plateau, it flows 4,800 km through six nations – China’s Yunnan Province, Myanmar (Burma), Laos, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia – before forming a complex delta system with several distributaries and entering the South China Sea. It provides more ...