Nguyen Thi Que Chi

Full name : Nguyen Thi Que Chi


Mobile phone: +84978336638


Bachelor of Science, Major of Fish-pathology, Nha Trang University, course 2005-2009.

Masters Student in Biotechnology, Nha Trang University, 2013.


In 2009: Isolate and indentify Vibrio parahaemolyticus from grouper according to traditional methods; Establish the curved growth of V. parahaemolyticus; Experiment the toxicity of V. parahaemolyticus on grouper; Analyze bacterial protein by electrophoresis-technique (SDS-PAGE).

Master research: Isolate Vibrio bacteria from the red frog crab larvae (Ranina ranina Linnaeus, 1758), which exhibit a continuous greenish luminescence when observed in total darkness; Indentify Vibrio bacteria according to molecular biology method, based on 16S rDNA sequences; Test the toxin genes (TLD, TDH) according to PCR method with specific primers; Analyze bacterial protein by electrophoresis-technique (SDS-PAGE).



