Comparative phylogeography of marine organisms long the coast of vietnam

Comparative phylogeography of marine organisms long the coast of vietnam

Marine organisms which having different mode of living such as migratory fish (Sardinella gibbosa), crustacean (Penaeus monodon), coral reef fish (Dascyllus trimaculatus), and sensible mollusk (Tridacna crocea) were collected along the coast of Vietnam from the North (Cat Ba and Cu lao Cham Island), Center (Khanh Hoa Provinces) and the South (Phu Quoc and Con Dao Islands). Mitochondrial markers (control region, CO1, cytochome b and 16S) have been used to clarify the phylogeographic pattern of marine recourses along the Vietnamese coast.

The haplotype network showed widespread connectivity of marine population along Vietnamese coast. For migratory fish (S. gibbosa), no break was detected between northern, center and southern populations. Black tiger shrimp (P. monodon), coral reef fish (D. trimaculatus) and giant clam (T. crocea) populations have showed clear connectivity between the population from Center (Nha Trang Bay) and the South (Con Dao and Phu Quoc). From this study, a single panmictic population of marine animals along the center and the south of Vietnam are suggested. Present data is not supported separating of western southern population as well as barrier of Mekong River outflow

