On 25/12/2014, Institute for Biotechnology and Environment (IBE) held a workshop with the theme "Food Safety and the new hazards in food" Attending the conference were leaders, all faculty members, research fellow of IBE, visiting Professor of the Institute - Glenn A. Bristow, Dr. Dinh Thu from Mississippi State University, the academic staff of the faculty of food Technology, along with graduate students and students.

Faculty members attended the workshop

Food safety has been a concern of the community, the workshop was organized to emphasize the risk of food insecurity in general food and seafood in particular. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), two species of bacteria including Listeria monocytogense and Salmonella spp. be considered as biological agents causing human disease are at high risk for food safety. The bacterium has been a concern for the food industry because it is the causative agent of food poisoning, and are frequently found in many foods including seafood. Ebola virus is an emerging pathogen in recent years in the food. The spread of the virus from food to occur in  developing countries is the result of poor hygiene and living food consumption. The workshop also focused on discussing other issues such as the spread of animal diseases caused by parasites on fish species.

Dr. Thu also presents issues related to food quality in the selection of beef and initial results of the survey microbial contamination situation on meat products (beef, pork and chicken) in the market and supermarkets in Hanoi and HCMC. Research within the framework of cooperation between the of Mississippi State University and the University of Technology, HCMC.

Dr. Thu presentation at the workshop

With intersting and useful content, workshops attracted the attention of all participants. Besides, the conference is an opportunity for staff Nha Trang University and the Mississippi State University to exchange scientific information and discuss opportunities for collaboration in the future.



