Shark Facts vs. Shark Myths

Source: Source for shark attacks statistics: Florida Museum of Natural History Myth #1: Whale Shark; Myth #2: Zebra Shark; Myth #3 White Shark; Myth #4: Thresher Shark; Myth #5: Silvertip Shark WWF dispels common myths about these important marine species Let’s face ...
Coral Triangle Maps of the Month

Source: The Coral Triangle Maps of the Month is a bi-weekly email running from August-December 2012 that showcases various maps that highlight the diversity and uniqueness of the Coral Triangle region. The maps also show some of the pressing issues that are threatening this very important resource considered the epicenter of the world's ...
New species of flying frog discovered in Vietnam

Source: Rowley says the frog was found in an evergreen forest surrounded by rice paddies on the fringes of Ho Chi Minh City (Source: Jodi J L Rowley/Australian Museum ) An Australian researcher who discovered a new species of flying frog near Ho Chi Minh City says it is a rare find so close to such a big city. Helen's Flying Frog was first ...
12 incredible new species discovered in 2013

Source: Every year, scientists, researchers and amateur naturalists discover 15,000 new species — on average — and we learn a little more about the wonderful planet we call home. From walking sharks to giant flying squirrels, these are some of the best new species discovered ...
A new species of rasborin fish discovered

Source: 28 May 2014. Scientists in NUS discovered a new species of rasborin fish in Indonesia. Professor TAN Heok Hui, from Department of Biological Sciences NUS, has just described a new species of rasborin fish. The new specie, Brevibora exilis, is found in the Kahayan and Sebangau basins of Kalimantan Tengah, ...