Theory course
From the academic year 2010 - 2014, Institute of Biotechnology and Environment participate in the student exchange program with University of Jan Evangelista Purkyně (UJEP), Czech Republic. Our staff participate in teaching and Marine Biodiversity, Bio-chemical Environment, statistic and experiment design, and pracrice course in Microbiology - Environmental Chemistry.
The Czech student has the academic exchanges with Vietnam students about marine biodiversity. Through the course, the students were provided knowledge about the tropical species diversity, tropical ecosystem characteristics, biodiversity conservation and climate change impact.
During the course, the Czech and Vietnamese students presented seminar on specific topics. The Czech students has provided the general knowledge about biodiversity and conservation of biodiversity in the Czech Republic. Vietnamese students presented the general knowledge about invasive species, conservation ....
This activity helps students to exchange knowledge, cultural exchange and improve language skills through lecture and communication in English.
Field trips to mangrove forest and marine protected area
During the course Marine Biodiversity, field trips to different areas of Khanh Hoa Province were organized by Dr. Dang Thuy Binh, instructor of the course. The first field trip took place in Vinh Thai Mangrove Forest in Vinh Thai Commune, where students could gain the real pictures of mangrove forest system in Vietnam. |
The field trip to Hon Mun Marine Protected Area and Hon Mot island was organised. Information of marine biodiversity from the tropical perspective, with the specific example of Vietnamese marine biodiversity was introduced in class. The field trip is a chance for students to inspect and measurement of coral reef, soft bottom, intertidal and super tidal biodiversity in Nha Trang Bay, especially in Hon Mun Marine Protected Area and Hon Mot island. |
In the areas, students collected samples and recorded what they see in the coral reef such as fish, shrimp, coral, shellfish and the environment of the areas as well. After the field trips some collected samples may require laboratory work including dissection to discover information related to the groups exist. Information and experience gathered from field trips will be readily transferable, not only to other tropical marine areas but also to marine systems around the globe. |