Species diversity and phylogenetic relationships of symbiotic crustaceans on Portunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Vietnam
1BINH T. DANG, 2OANH TK LE, 3SANG. Q. TRAN, 4OANH. TT, 5HENRIK GLENNER 1,3,4Institute for Biotechnology and Environment, Nha Trang University, 02 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Nha Trang City, Vietnam 2Vietnam – Russia Tropical Center, 30 Nguyen Thien Thuat, Nha Trang City, Vietnam 5Department of Biological Science, University of Bergen Postboks 7803, N-5020 Bergen E-mail: 1binhdt@ntu.edu.vn Abstract Blue swimming ...
Cryptic lineages and a population dammed to incipient extinction? Insights into the genetic structure of a Mekong River catfish
Amanda S. Ackiss1, Binh T. Dang2, Christopher E. Bird3, Ellen E. Biesack1, Phen Chheng4, Latsamy Phounvisouk5, Quyen H.D. Vu2, Sophorn Uy4, Kent E. Carpenter1 Abstract An understanding of the genetic composition of populations across management boundaries is vital to developing successful strategies for sustaining biodiversity and food resources. This is especially important in ecosystems where habitat fragmentation ...
Evidence for population genetic structure in two exploited Mekong River fishes across a natural riverine barrier
Biesack, Ellen E.1, Dang, Binh T.2, Ackiss, Amanda S.1, Bird, Christopher E.3, Chheng, Phen4, Phounvisouk, Latsamy5, Truong, Oanh T.2, Carpenter, Kent E.1 Abstract: Impacts of urban development on aquatic populations are often complex and difficult to ascertain, but population genetic analysis has allowed researchers to monitor and estimate gene flow in context of existing and future hydroelectric projects. The ...
Population genomics of the peripheral freshwater fish Polynemus melanochir (Perciformes, Polynemidae) in a changing Mekong Delta
B. T. Dang1 · Q. H. D. Vu1,2 · E. E. Biesack3 · T. V. Doan4 · O. T. Truong1 · T. L. Tran2 · A. S. Ackiss3 · B. L. Stockwell3 ·K. E. Carpenter3 Abstract The Mekong River is a vital fisheries resource supporting millions of people in mainland Southeast Asia. However, numerous threats have the potential to negatively impact fish populations in this region including ...
Genome-wide SNP analyses reveal population structure of Portunus pelagicus along Vietnam coastline
Binh Thuy Dang1*, Muhammad Arifur RahmanI1,2, Sang Quang Tran1, Henrik GlennerI3* 1Department of Biology, Institute for Biotechnology and Environment, Nha Trang University, Nha Trang City, Vietnam, 2Department of Graduate Studies, Nha Trang University, Nha Trang City, Vietnam, 3Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway * binhdt@ntu.edu.vn(BTD); Henrik.Glenner@uib.no (HG) Abstract The ...